
October 20, 2023

My music keeps finding its way forward!

I’m proud to have my song “Go in Peace” included on the latest album from Abbey of the Arts, The Love of Thousands: Singing with Angels, Saints & Ancestors. It’s humbling to have my music placed among songs from beautiful artists whose music I cherish, including MaMuse, Melanie DeMore, and Karen Drucker.

The album accompanies the Christine Valters Paintner’s latest book. I’ve read and loved three of Christine’s books so far, and The Love of Thousands will be the next one I dive into. The book’s message is timely, because so many people I’ve connected with lately are in “all hands on deck” kinds of situations, where the love of angels, saints, and ancestors—those “sacred beings who dwell in spiritual form across the veil,” as Christine puts it—is deeply needed.

A YouTube playlist of the album is here.